3 Technical Things To Know About Getting A Facelift

If you want to get a face lift, you need to make sure that you understand as much as you can about the surgery. A face lift can be a great way to shape your face and fight back against the signs of aging. However, it is important to remember that your face lift is not going to make your look decades younger. Make sure that you understand the technical terms and ideas around a facelift. [Read More]

Three Reasons To Explore Breast Augmentation Surgery After Having A Baby

Having a baby changes everything. You probably expected that it would change your routine, and you were surely aware that your hips would widen. However, you may not have expected pregnancy to change your breasts so much. It's common for moms to feel deflated and completely changed up-top after pregnancy, especially if they breast feed for a few months and then wean their child. So, what do you do about post-baby breasts? [Read More]

Consider PRP Therapy If Your Arthritis Is Affecting You In These Ways

One of the frustrating things about living with arthritis is that you may find that you're trying numerous forms of treatment without necessarily having much success. As you notice your quality of life on the decline, you're likely eager to continue to search for a treatment choice that will help you—that's where platelet rich plasma (PRP) therapy can be an ally. This form of treatment is focused on your body healing naturally, and your practitioner will help by injecting blood plasma into the area that is causing you pain; for arthritis sufferers, these areas are likely your joints. [Read More]

Three Ways To Deal With A Tummy Tuck Scar

Getting a tummy tuck procedure can go a long way toward improving not only how you look, but also changing how you feel about yourself. By tightening up the loose skin around your abdomen, which may be present as a result of weight loss or from having children, you'll have a sleeker physique and may no longer feel so self-conscious about your midsection — especially when the skin is exposed. After your procedure, your cosmetic surgeon will give you a number of tips for caring for the incision, which will eventually fade and become less noticeable. [Read More]