Are You Too Young For A Facelift?

A facelift is a cosmetic procedure that can take years off your face and give you the youthful glow you've been seeking. A facelift is a permanent solution to your aging needs, and based on how extreme of a facelift you get, you can achieve a tighter neck, chin, and face and even lift your eyes — known as an eyelift — to reclaim the youth of your past. While many women wait until they see noticeable and irreversible signs of aging before going under the knife, you have your reasons for wanting a facelift as a younger individual. [Read More]

Prepping For Breast Surgery

Augmentation surgery for your breasts might have favorable results. That doesn't mean you won't still stress over the procedure and what to do as the surgery date approaches. These tasks will both occupy your mind and ready you for augmentation and recovery. Stop Taking Medications Your surgeon has probably recommended you cease most medications as you await surgery because many meds interact with the anesthesia you'll be given. However, now's a smart time to double-check which medications to stop or stay on. [Read More]

Botox For Migraines

If you suffer from migraines, you already know just how debilitating they can be. Not only are they extremely painful, but they can also cause other issues when they strike, such as light sensitivity, body aches, fatigue, nausea, temporary blindness, and more. It can be hard to find something that helps to bring you relief when you end up with a migraine. There aren't that many medications for them on the market, and if the ones out there don't work on you or you can't take them for other reasons, then you want to find something that works so you don't have to continue suffering. [Read More]

3 Things To Know About Botox

In recent years, the popularity of Botox has surged. In fact, with 7.23 million procedures performed in 2017, Botox is the most popular noninvasive cosmetic procedure available. Botox is derived from a diluted form of the botulism toxin. It temporarily paralyzes muscle activity in the areas in which it is injected. Botox is most often associated with a reduction in wrinkles, but it is effective at treating a variety of issues. [Read More]