3 Advantages of Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast augmentation surgery is one of the most popular elective cosmetic procedures that help women increase their breast size, shape, and volume. Cosmetic procedures elevate the patient's aesthetic appeal and are usually safe. However, you should consult board-certified plastic surgeons before undergoing such a procedure to ensure your safety. Breast augmentation is ideal for different patients, including those with small breasts and who would like to enlarge them. It also helps those who have undergone a mastectomy and have lost their breast volume because of severe weight loss, aging, and pregnancy.

Got Deep Wrinkles? 2 Treatment Options

If you have deep wrinkles on your face, there are different types of treatment that you can have to help with this problem. Below is information about two treatments a doctor can offer you so you can decide what you would like to do. Facial Filler Treatment Facial fillers can soften deep wrinkles in different areas of your face. Depending on the type of filler you have, you will have to go back and get the filler again to keep the wrinkles away.

Benefits Of Testosterone Therapy For Men

Testosterone is a hormone primarily produced by the testicles in men. Testosterone is responsible for bone density, muscle mass, fat distribution, facial hair growth, and libido regulation. Typically, testosterone levels in men peak during adolescence and adulthood before dropping in old age. While testosterone levels drop naturally as a person ages, there are some cases of hypogonadism where a patient's testosterone levels drop due to illness. Thus, people with low testosterone levels should consult a trained medical practitioner for a conclusive result.

Why Botox Is Not As Bad As You Have Been Lead To Believe

In many parts of the media and in the broader culture, Botox injections are often treated with derision, and people assume it is only for vain celebrities. This could not be further from the truth, as the majority of people who use Botox are regular people who have their own personal reasons for wanting the treatment done. Maybe they have struggled with self-image problems for a long time, or maybe they have another, more serious underlying medical issue.

The Best Fillers For Subtle Signs Of Aging

What dermal filler is the best? Well, that really depends on the look you're going for and what issues you are trying to correct. If you're trying to camouflage an uneven nose, then you're going to need a pretty heavy-hitting filler. But if you're just trying to ease a few fine lines and mild wrinkles that are making you look a bit older, you'll want something gentler and more subtle. Here are the key fillers to consider in a situation like this.

The Dos and Don'ts: 4 Recovery Tips After a Breast Augmentation Surgery

Thanks to the fusion of modern medicine and technology, cosmetic surgeries are safer and growing in popularity by the day. Breast augmentation procedures are one of the more common plastic surgeries. They aim at giving interested women fuller breasts. If you have been looking into getting your breasts enlarged, you might want to know about the post-surgery period. Here are a few recovery tips to help make the period bearable.

Why Getting STD Treatment Matters Even if It's Not Deadly

When you get an STD, you should consider getting treatment. Even if the disease itself is not deadly or dangerous to your health, treatment is necessary. Here are reasons why. 1. The STD can be spread to others without treatment When you have an STD, it's spreadable to others. This is likely how you got an STD yourself. STD treatment is the only way (aside from complete abstinence) to prevent the disease from affecting other people and infecting those you are in intimate contact with.

Three Things To Consider Before Getting Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery is on the rise, with a 2% increase in procedures performed from just 2016 to 2017 alone. If you're thinking of going under the knife to improve the way you feel about your face or body, to get your body back to what it was prior to kids or weight gain/loss, or to change things about your features or body shape that you were born with, you should make sure you're ready and able to get plastic surgery successfully.